
Artwork views: 24028

Followers: 85

Following: 269

Score: 136270


Aussie male

`Lady Bug...`

`Ladybug .This challenge has been here for quite a while so I accept the got me going..`


`The knives are out... nearly ..`

`Panty and Stocking`

`Just back putting my lean machine against yours ...1st one in...good luck....`

`TV presenter`

`Hi I just happen to have a news reader (my Fav )soooo good luck`

`Lets see your best Superman as a Christmas challenge, if your game ..And happy Christmas to all who enter( and follow and comment on my drawings)our art corner for this last time in 2019...and happy new year 2020 to one and all.. especially he who takes up this challenge...`

`now a frog......`

`supernatural/super hero that isnt marvel or dc, there are more than you think`

`Not marvel /dc supernatural super hero.... Hell boy I hope rates ..curious to see who you have.and yes Surprised to see there are others..anyways accepted`


`challenge accepted`

`yandere only yandere (ヤンデレ): A term for a person who is initially loving and caring to someone they like a lot until their romantic love, admiration and devotion becomes feisty and mentally destructive in nature through either overprotectiveness, violence, brutality or all three combined. The term is a portmanteau of the words yanderu (病んでる), meaning (mentally or emotionally) ill, and deredere (でれでれ, "lovey dovey"), meaning to show genuinely strong romantic affection. Yandere characters are mentally unstable, incredibly deranged and use extreme violence or brutality as an outlet for their emotions. Yandere are usually, but not always, female characters`

` Enjoyed drawing this ..This has been there for quite a while so thought I would try and clear it ...`

`Portrait =) `

`Portrait fun...Hope its you DL.. love this Miss m face...`


`Felt like dooin a little fishy creation...`

`Portrait =) `

`I dearly would like to see these challenges reduced and will do my best to do that .The points do not matter I have come up against the best on this site and will do it again ,win lose or no draw.......short and sweet................GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and have fun...`

`bond, james bond`

`007 away...`

`glamour girl`

`My glamour comes with Angilina !!!! What's yours?`

`asian girls only`

`My Ayumi drawing ..`

`Hi my friend the friendly challenge is up.. went for peace and scenery `



`Another to clear the challenge backlog ..loved the Avengers especially Mrs Peel ..Any way here we go again`

`the Rex attacks `

`Good luck `


`comedy through the ages ..I am the start you will be the latest Good luck but hey another 10 challenge taken...`

`Samurai girl`

`Swords are drawn for a little challenge...`

`Unusual sculpture the challenge ..some thing different `

`Lets go again...`

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