More artworks made by pencil recreations
Unusual sculpture...
Came across this in a park in New South Wales on a car trip to Melbourne from Brisy a couple of years ago.. ..(know where it is ?..cause I have forgotten... Maybe a rabbit hunter sculpturing in his spare time ..Any ways it could be a challenge maker
Challenge: pencil recreations VS trevorp
dnprostudio 31 Jan 2020
nice statue photo
pencil recreations 6 Feb 2020
yes unusual type statue or sculpture for a park may be a bit risque ..but must have been accepted canot remember where it is located in NSW oh welol different for a photo
trevorp 2 Apr 2020
Well done Nev - on beating me on this "weird sculpture" was an interesting one but you managed to romp home in the end - as usual. Happy to do a beach challenge whenever you are ready to have a crack at another challenge.Hope that you aren't going insane with the craziness that is going on ATM. :-) Trev.
pencil recreations 9 Apr 2020
Still got the dino challenge, not over till it is over,had a couple of real close ones with Snake, scrapped home ...but with this one you continue to stalk me I feel a little stuck in the tar of the moment ..Hey the next challenge on the site is stone age, and that might influence you to participate..I am not sure how to handle it yet..No not going crazy yet ,still finding my self sliding through the day quickly have learnt how to sleep in lately, bit of a worry, but loving it ,getting a little out of syc with everything, funny how the change in time table has effected my time clock...still not good overseas and at least here in aussie we are better of .Had our flu shots.Yay!!!!..anyways the lockdown continues not sure what I did with the challenge name, mucked it up to repeat myself..anyways enjoying our interaction..By the way might have forgotten refresh please what town do you live in?.
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