Artwork views: 170737

Followers: 46

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I'm a young artist who's been drawing her entire life. Though mostly traditional, I can dabble in the digital. Most of my inspiration comes from animals, fantasy, books, and other media. I'm pretty quiet and often keep to myself, but I definitely come out to people more when I partake in my favorite hobbies: drawing and cosplay! I like reading, playing video games, listening to music, swimming, and horseback riding.


`Comin' for ya!`

`Killer dolls`

`The OG killer dolls`

`Icons fight`

`American Dragon VS Daredevil`

`Love Between Family Or Friends`

`My character loving on his kid`

`Creepy =) `

`The Angel of Death`

`Something sweet like puppy love.`

`A sweet Star Wars moment`

`movie moment`

`Pet Sematary `

`Fun Halloween.`

`Vampire Blood Moon`

`Wolf drawing `

`Have a humorous werewolf!`


`Wolf Children`


`Based on the film "The Mist"`


`Star Wars Tribute`

`Horror Fanart`

`Pennywise 2019`


`Not sure what kind of craft, but here's my symbiote sculpture`

`Dark drawing =) `

`A tribute to a dark film!`

`For fun =) `

`Gotta love this fun little guy!`

`For fun! =) `

`Fun Crayon Challenge`

`Just for fun! =) `

`Betta Merman based on my pets`


`The Savage Wendigo`

`Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance character `

`Dark Crystal: SkekMal vs Rian`

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