More artworks made by Armorwing

A is for Angel of Death
In an effort to put more of my love of horror and monsters in my art, I'm making an alphabetical bestiary of movie monsters. I'm also experimenting with some mediums I don't normally use. Should be a fun series! We're starting with the Angel of Death from Hellboy 2. Though not intentional, I could say this is due to the new Hellboy film. I'm seeing it soon, though I have a real soft spot for the original Del Toro movies. I know they're not comic book accurate, but they're really fun and visually amazing; the second film being the brighter of the two. One of the shining examples of visual creativity is the Angel of Death, a being that appears for one scene to save Hallboy's life and reveal that he will still bring about the destruction of the Earth. From that eyeless crest of a head to the large wings covered in eyes, it's undoubtedly a very striking character. Made with watercolor, colored pencils, ink and acrylic paint.
Challenge: deathlouis VS Armorwing
dnprostudio 13 Apr 2019
it's terrible for the appearance of this angel of death
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