More artworks made by Armorwing

The Ground is Sour
I made this sketch a hella long time ago around near the release of the Pet Sematary remake. If you want to know my thoughts, I hated it. It was fine in the first half, but devolved into bullshit in the second half. I love the story, and even though the first movie has it's issues, it's way more iconic and faithful. But anyway, I decided to make it a full piece after coming back to it and still loving the composition. If anyone is wondering about the blood skull in the middle, it's suppose to represent the wendigo spirit that has cursed the land and created the Pet Sematary. The first movie doesn't acknowledge this and the remake barely touches on it, but the spirit is the whole reason "the ground is sour". This was quicker than I expected, but a lot of fun to work on. Watch the Speedpaint:
Challenge: snakedaemon VS Armorwing
dnprostudio 29 Apr 2020
great art work
pencil recreations 29 Apr 2020
Different composition.. I have not seen the movie and fist impression was a burial pyre.. Suppose it is because I am not into horror, but death is always present...Nice explanation though ...
Armorwing 29 Apr 2020
You are right in that death is a constant in the story. I guess you could call it a metaphorical pyre as this happens around the end. Thanks for the great comment!
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