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Artwork views: 148925
Followers: 55
Following: 18
Score: 219400
Group -Pencil's Wizards-
My deviantart,
`Just for fun`
`Fun fun`
`Good Luck`
`uhm this is my first challenge.. I don't understand what is going on.. ok cool.`
`For fun your one my favorite artist on here`
`good luck`
`Video Game drawings`
`good luck =)`
`for fun =)`
`Anime/manga, traditional`
`good luck :)`
`good luck. :)`
`Anime style`
`Good luck`
`Tattoo =)`
`My varsion of the tattoo sketch. Mother bear`
`Have fun`
`have fun :))`
`for fun`
`let's fun ;)`
`heyy :)`
`hey :)`
`person portrait`
`my entry`
`Game Fan Art`
`Drawn from Batman: Arkham Knight (he's doing the Batmobile takedown) `
`fanart `
`someone one wanted me to draw this so yah took me three weeks hope you like it`