More artworks made by deathlouis

another drawing of a person i love more than the world, i miss her so much and i really hope she see's the drawings i did for her one day, its her birthday soon and because she ignores me i can't even say happy birthday or give her the presents i brought her :/ lucy if you ever read this, i truly love you and you really are so beautiful and perfect to me, you're my everything <3 fabulucy
Challenge: deathlouis VS Valkahn
trevorp 4 Nov 2015
This artwork turned out quite well :-)
Cookie-Waffle 26 Feb 2020
Wait, this is a drawing? I swear at first I thought it was a selfie with a black and white filter over it. Great job! You have some amazing shading skills!
deathlouis 26 Feb 2020
Awww, that means the world to me, thank you truly so much for your kind words, I really do appreciate that!! =)
caratulion 1 Oct 2015
hermoso trabajo !!!!
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