More artworks made by deathlouis

I know i've drawn this person way too much, but honestly its the only way i can let my emotion out, i feel better after i finish a drawing of lucy, i can't explain it, but its like a lot is off to think about, to worry about, i love her so much and yeah i know plenty of people go through love pain, but i didn't think it could hurt for awhile as strong as this, not to mention the way i feel for her still grows and it just hurts me more, so i try to draw her trying to hopefully take away this pain i feel, i don't know what i'll ever do, because at the moment it feels i'll never be able to find anyone else, i mean it'll be unfair if i find someone to be with but still feel this way about her, it'll be unfair for the other person if i love lucy, but then does that mean i'll always be alone with this pain? i've never felt so lost and the one thing that keeps me going is drawing and even that shes taken over, i don't blame it on her at all, i just feel so much for her that everyday she gets into my feelings and thoughts and it effects me, i really hope it goes, because i know she'll never come back, not even to just say sorry :/ i miss you lucy so much and i still truly love you more than the world, more than the universe, you'll always be everything to me, you're so beautiful!! <3
Challenge: deathlouis VS caratulion
EmotionalArtist 5 Nov 2015
You should find another girl..Your drawings are amazing don't get me wrong.
ThreeDaysLost 1 Nov 2015
I honestly thought this was just a black and white photo at first. Great job!
Lexy 31 Jan 2016
very cool
Pandora555 1 Nov 2015
GO! find another girl . :)
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