More artworks made by caratulion


luces y sombras

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-11-03

Challenge: deathlouis VS caratulion


  • Oscarlira 4 Nov 2015

    Genial dibujo, especialmente por el manejo del contraste. Mi único comentario es que todo parece la misma textura, claro que el dibujo sigue siendo genial

  • hgardin 3 Nov 2015

    Good depiction of flares of sunlight.

  • Ramur 24 Nov 2015

    Very nicely shows the movement of the hair. I think the floor is too perfect.

  • Melancholia 4 Nov 2015

    Excellent blending and shading here. I love the girl's pose and expression. Superb.

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