
Artwork views: 14282

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Just another artist. I love drawing Angelic or Satanic themed things. Most of my inspiration is all thanks to the bible and religion base books.

`Work in progress`

`:) goodluck`


`Top o' the mornin to ye!`

`Draw your angel `

`^_^ `

`False king. Or just a ruler.`

`So Joffrey Baratheon is from Game of Thrones and he's a false king because... okay I dunno whether you've seen it but I'd rather not give spoilers :)`

`Let have a art face off `

`Good luck`

`Incubus: male demon`

`rainbow demon from cloud 9`

`Fanart of video games`

`:) `

`Realistic anime`

`This is my realistic anime with manual drawing`

`Anime/Manga Artwork`

`Good luck :3`

`Good luck! ;33`

`:3 hello`

`Create your perfect demon or angel! `

`Good luck!`

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