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Artwork views: 25916
Followers: 17
Following: 46
Score: 56200
24 Alberta, Canada I enjoy music, art, guitars & cats
`A Walking Dead Character`
`White Charcoal Drawing`
` `
`Digital portrait W.I.P`
`probably gonna lose but why not :D (not finished)`
`Pop art portrait`
`i hope this is what pop art is if not sorry lol :P`
`a W.I.P. shot of your drawing`
`goodluck :D`
`i love white charcoal the best!`
`White in black paper drawing challenge `
`My boyfriend`
`HAHAHAHAAH i just had to accept LOL my dreams he is :P`
`portrait of a singer`
`Music band`
`Does this classify as music band?`
`Portrait challenge`
`hi :D`
`white on black`
`portait `