
More artworks made by AshleyMenard122


Portrait of Conor Maynard Charcoal

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-06-07


This was my VERY first charcoal drawing a few years back! love it...of Conor Maynard 11x14 inch

Challenge: LorandLee VS AshleyMenard122


  • Clarvius 30 Jul 2015

    nice artwork :)

  • BlueSpiritWolf6 31 Dec 2016

    Really amazing

  • Khobe 16 Nov 2015

    Honestly your drawings are excellent but I must admit they are too photographic for my taste, this doesn't take away the hard work you're putting in them. I work has hard on mine as you do so I understand. Please hear this as a suggestion you are free to take or not, and it's not a negative critique. And I don't know if you'd be open to try but I feel your work would become more impressive (though it is already) if it was more painterly even with the dry mediums I see you've mastered. I know from experience that graphite as a humble medium it might seem, does't lie, let's say like oil can, Ba assured you have my artistic respect.

  • Jeff Bliven Photography 5 May 2017

    This is REALLY well done!

  • Kim yaku 30 Jun 2015

    Nice :)

  • Jacorien.T 10 Jun 2015

    this is so cool!! very very good job!!

  • NykuT 7 Jun 2015

    perfection ;)

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