Artwork views: 0

Followers: 4

Following: 0

Score: 19770


Cartoonist primarily/traditional or digital preference; enjoys most if not all art mediums

`teenage mutant ninja turtles (can be turtle or human characters) `

`all of them `

`steven universe character(s)`

`Character design for my story `

`same sex couple (either original or from media) `

`tender kiss`

`ghost (it can be confrontation or anything else involving ghosts really) `


`cute hug`


`gothic character design (either a pre-existing or original character)`


`original character design/complete work`


`art work of a video game character or more`

`I never thought i'd see a video game related challenge here haha.`

`comic formatted drawing (of anything) `

`let's have fun with this :3`

`courage the cowardly dog art `


`early 2000's fan art of any show`

`Powerpuff Girls :)`

`cartoon character`

`Hi, this is my first time doing one of these.`

`anything involving confessions `

`Good Luck!`

`winter setting `


`Disney's Queen Elsa`


`Happy Tree Friends Humanized (Flaky Flippy, Lumpy for examples)`

`good luck`

`Steven Universe characters (Pearl, Garnet, Steven, anyone)`

`good luck`

`Dark humor/ Halloween theme `

`Too spoopy!`

`Creepypasta pic (Slenderman, BEN drowned, Candle Cove for example) `


`Phineas and Ferb art`

`lets do it`

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