Steven Universe-Sapphire and Ruby
The gems that make Garnet for who she is-Sapphire and Ruby. I absolutely love this couple (and it's CANON!) and their relationship (Sapphire being the calm one while Ruby being hot headed). If you haven't checked out Steven Universe, I highly recommend it. If you're not one for silliness and can look past that, it really is a great cartoon. c @ Rebecca Sugar
Challenge: XML VS MonsterPaws
Jan Spicka 10 Sep 2015
nice, don´t know them characters, though:)
Kim yaku 9 Sep 2015
Nice :)
Briver 10 Sep 2015
Love the show. Love the characters. Love this artwork.
Anonymous 9 Sep 2015
I like the colors but don't use black as a gradient for shadow, use a darker shade of the base color.
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