Catscratch: Waffle and Barkmeat
Who remembers that Nickelodeon cartoon Catscratch? You know....the cartoon based very loosely on the short comic series Gear (and I do mean VERY loosely)? I made a comic like pic of the grey cat, Waffle, and that dog who showed up only once (but totally enjoyed), Barkmeat. There's an episode where the cat believes he's a dog and befriends another dog (Barkmeat) after an argument with his brothers leads him to run away. The two share a friendship until Waffle finds out his new friend eats cats as well as hates them (awkward right?) and after a few shananigans Barkmeat finds out Waffle was an actually a cat. I won't give away the entire plot, but Barkmeat does admit Waffle is all right for a cat. To me, Waffle is the only one Barkmeat won't eat. c @ TenNapel
Challenge: XML VS FaerieWarrior
Khobe 26 Nov 2015
Don't know the cartoon but definitely what you did with it is very funny by itself. I like it.
SkyRose64 28 Jul 2023
I ship this
montydk 17 Aug 2015
Love it, very fun.
Anonymous 17 Aug 2015
Overboard-N-Undertow 17 Aug 2015
Haha I remember this show. I didn't watch it much cause it was always on at a weird time but I did like what I saw. Nice pic!
ladylore 17 Aug 2015
Love the shading! This is such a neat style!
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