
Artwork views: 25527

Followers: 5

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Score: 38910


I just love to draw :)

`Portrait `

`Portrait will be :)`

`I hope the best work will win`

`Let's eat some art, shall we? `


`Piw :))`

`orxy antelope`

`Vrum mind is racing :))`




`Wuzap? :)`

`let's ride :)`

`Well, then :D `

`Smack my bitch up!!!`

`Consider your bitch smacked!`


`pika, pika...pikachu!!!`

`vrum vruuuum!!!!`


`let's rock :D`

` `

`knock, knock...`

`Hi! i wish that you accept this challenge`

`what's up?`


`just for fun :)`

`Cuz why the heck not x)`

`for the game :)`

`Let's race!`

`for the game :)`

`hy, have fun`

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