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Bonjour, hello, こんにちは and welcome ladies and gentlemen to Station SpaceDraw, during your trip on would be accompanied by the D.V.K.G. team. Discover several parodies and different cultural references of our world depending on whether the author AV59 will have discovered later on, here are the team's presentations: -- -- Darkin Kimiro: Red Skin V.I.C MKI : Blue Screen Kara Gibbs: Green Hair Gonk Stigkocz: Orange Clothing -- -- to the whole team & to you Ladies & Gentlemen, I wish you a good trip, it was the pilot who spoke to you & Have a good day or good evening wherever you are. - 1st report: V.I.C MKI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- AV59 --

`Devilman Akira Parody`

`if you like please rate`


`Skeleton of unknown origin`

`A half angel and half devil person.`

`Sketch Old Unknown Tomen`


`challenge accepted`


`challenge accepted`

`Just Fun Draw ^^`

`Fun Dragon Illustration`

`Rock legend`

`Sgt Soja's Drag Vox Kong Club Band`

`Samurai girl`

`Onna-Bagaishi Kara`


`Samurai Darkin`


`Darkin, Telephone, home`


`Tribute to Devilman`


`Tribute to the 80's`


`. . .`

`Doodle !`

`This my doodle ^^`

`Create a cartoon character of yourself dressed in your favorite cartoon character.`

`Darkin Revolver`


`I accepted the challenge`

`kiss kiss kiss`

`Hi ^^`

`Metaphor "Love"`

`C'est l'amour`

`Lovee :)`

`c'est l'amour dans tout son délire`

`Surrealistic landscape`

`Surrealistic n' rock ^^`

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