More artworks made by MKIII & AV59

D.V.K #4 : Beyond the Valley of a New Colours
There, you have the collector's version of my latest "work" (so for the GIF version, be careful, if you have epilepsy), so for the explanations, how you say, and well it's the same as the 1st D.V.K, but with a new posture, a delirium before & after, followed by a looped animated GIF & Gonk, the new character who will now be accompanying as a new member of the D.V.K, (after I thought I put a G, to continue the delirium of the initiates, but I think we'll do as with the United States which are staying at 13 red & white stripes reunite in their flag), The inspiration is just simple: I just took the original idea of the 1st D.V.K with a Sgt. sauce. Pepper's & Revolver from the two cult psychedelic albums : Les Beatles, (and also listen to the whole of his two albums to make the drawing) & also, the one that inspired me the 1st D.V.K, : 3 Feet High and Rising made by De La Soul, an album that is literally a UFO in the Hip-hop world of the early 90's (released in 1989), and spanking this drawing & in the new site that I publish my drawings (FurAffinity), I finally realized how to describe my art, because I didn't know what kind of art I was doing over the years, and it's Doodle Art, (which literally says in French : Scribbling), and with all the influences & cultural knowledge I have acquired as a self-taught person (and still today I am looking for a new source that strikes me directly in the eye, to parody the latter or bring out an absurd or abstract delirium) so, I hope that this new drawings will have you more, do not hesitate to tell me in the comments, and on this people, Have a Good Day or Evening wherever you are, Darkin Kimiro was going AV59 ^^
Challenge: Crystal Jones VS MKIII & AV59
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