More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
L'Amour Maya
The return of Darkin with my favorite version of my character, The Divine Hindu transformation with a thousand arms, while in four, and that when it is transformed, its size is doubled, a little like Hulk in Zen mode Unless you do not shit XD, In short, this drawing speaks of my love for this culture that fartes a little the class with a graphic of their own, after it is thanks to Hippie culture that I know this delirium, What is more normal to have a "psychedelic" side, because it is the kind of cliché that makes better these gods with a thousand arms that do good and bad at the same time, Otherwise Avis & Advice are welcome, Long live the Peace & Love XD
Challenge: caratulion VS MKIII & AV59
Anonymous 4 Mar 2017
Yes this is more psychedelic. I dig the swirly colored vibrations coming off the side of the figures. Calm colors make the piece not overly intense. Keep it up !
MKIII & AV59 4 Mar 2017
thank you ^^
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