Artwork views: 17538

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Following: 34

Score: 42040


I am Italian.. Autodidatta, ho ripreso a dipingere dopo parecchi (15) anni per passione e amore per l'arte le mie tecniche preferite sono l'olio ,acrilico e acquarello prediligo i soggetti classici e figurativi.

`Still Life`


`Lions head`

`good luck`

`Music Instrument`

`good luck`

`Someone holding a cat. Can follow a theme of pet related stuff or other things. A cat being held would be a nice comparison.`

`good luck`

`still life`

`lets start:)`

`still life`

`lets start:)`

`Bottle or bottles (please respect the subject)`


`Hawk drawing or sketch ( Please respect the subject)`

` I'm just curious`

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