Artwork views: 97704

Followers: 66

Following: 74

Score: 196950

Group Fantasy Art


intento dibujar lo mejor que puedo .......


`More drawing`


`Draw draw draw`

`Big cat`

`Challenge accepted`

`Urban landscape `

`uffff... landscape no found`

`Lets see your best Superman as a Christmas challenge, if your game ..And happy Christmas to all who enter( and follow and comment on my drawings)our art corner for this last time in 2019...and happy new year 2020 to one and all.. especially he who takes up this challenge...`

`now a frog......`

`Stylized Portrait Real or Fictional Character`


`Famous race horse`

`y ahora ... un gato negro`


`just ... click`

`Famous landmark `

`las guinchas cuentan ?`



`Woman back `

`good luck ;)`

`patriotic ink illustration`

`old ink`

`Game =) `

`game on ;)`

`Killer hand`

`S ;)`


`B ;)`


`challenge accepted`

`Girl During Winter`


`Against the light`


`A drawing of a Crying Eye`


`Sketch a semi-realistic eye!`


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