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Unfathomable Polychromatic Distributor 60% Mountain Goat and 40% Stray Dog. New to art in 2015 but enjoying it as much as my other hobbies like spannering and flying.

`An "Old Master" type painting reimagined for the 21st century`

`Alan walker. DJ`


`The mighty Avro Vulcan seen at a typical British airshow about to stun the crowd with its ability to climb like a fighter jet.`

`Autumn vibes`

`Typical autumn weather around this part of the world`

`Birds Any painting showing birds in flight`

`I had an idea!!!`

`Bird drawing `

`A quick Magpie Sketch`

`Its a gas`

`It is for this 'Mayan Corn God'`

`For fun =) `

`How about this`

`Flight - this challenge is for anyone who wants to convey the magic and atmosphere of flight`

`Good luck to you too`


`Hi - this is Eric the Golden Eagle. Afull size wooden replica that I built and which flies by radio control.Now 27 years old and still going well.`


`Hi, here's my 'Moon as a Balloon' painted in acrylics with the Moon painted in reflective acrylics.`


`This is 'Chicken Squadron' Some of them who aren't bred deliberately to be non-fliers can actually fly quite well (but maybe not as well as this -but we never know)`


`This painting was of a dream where I was in total blackness for a while and out of it came this face that stared silently at me and then faded away to black again - all very odd - happened years ago.`


`This is "Devil, Devil I Defy Thee" and is a small loco with its firebox door open at night.`


`The Moon as a balloon`

`Sci fi`

`This is "Walkies" - about the rise of tech, treatment of females in society etc.`

`Humorous / lighthearted / surreal `


`ancient gods`

`This is the Mayan Corn God in a car that has the insides from the famous Pak-Al "spaceship" god's machine - a pen and pastel drawing on thick paper.`

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