More artworks made by Stevie The Fixer

A robot walking a woman walking a dog out on a misty hillside
Challenge: snakedaemon VS Stevie The Fixer
Hill's Beverly Creative 19 Dec 2016
Oh boy this is a frightening image of robots taking over. That it is done in a kind of simplistic primitive style makes it all the more so to me. The black bird flying over the path adds some hope of freedom. No robot birds yet !
uproarious 24 Feb 2017
grand work
Stevie The Fixer 19 Dec 2016
Actually the military are trying for autonomous robot birds! (I have a 23 year old wooden home-made full size radio-controlled Golden Eagle which is also one in a way) Can you guess what famous thing the robot head is based on? It is about robots dominating humans, emancipation of women (notice she is shown faintly and meekly), and the folly of allowing others to think for and lead us because it is convenient and cosy.
Anonymous 19 Dec 2016
love it!
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