
Artwork views: 66181

Followers: 29

Following: 5

Score: 103530





`Urban Landscape `

`Bent but not Broken`


`Let's have some fun with challenges`


`More drawing`


`Draw draw draw`

`Big cat`

`Challenge accepted`

`Mortal Kombat`


`Urban landscape `

`uffff... landscape no found`

`Famous race horse`

`y ahora ... un gato negro`

`Famous landmark `

`las guinchas cuentan ?`

`Forest landscape `

`This is an Oil Painting of a man who walks through the forest in a beautiful morning`

`Portrait =) `

`Portrait challenge accepted ;-)`

`Wolf drawing `

`Have a humorous werewolf!`


`Wolf Children`

`Dark drawing =) `

`Here we go`

`Bird drawing `

`A quick Magpie Sketch`

`Portrait =)`

`Here we go `

`Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance character `

`Dark Crystal: SkekMal vs Rian`


`Good luck`

`Urban art`

`Urban Magic`

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