More artworks made by deathlouis

Norman Reedus
My drawing of Norman Reedus
Challenge: deathlouis VS Richard J Willis
dnprostudio 21 Mar 2020
great draw
pencil recreations 21 Mar 2020
ok I went and checked out the promotion section and it said start promoting so I pressed the button 3 times and it blackened 3 boxes 450 a time .Number of events ten number nine left..What happens next and is there any thing I need to do...on the page there is another 14 boxes un used going back to 2015.. ..appreciate a heads up if you know thanks DL
deathlouis 21 Mar 2020
It's pretty much just showing more people, on the notices it normally shows a artwork telling you to like, rate and comment, promoting puts your artwork there for others so people will see it, its not 100% useful seeing not many go on this website, but I wanted to give you it, I wouldn't say it's worth it, your artwork is wonderful!
pencil recreations 20 Mar 2020
Hey Dl ..again perfecto continue to amaze me with your ability and art work ..Almost makes me stop drawing and let you do the art but from a variety point of view it would get rather one sided ..sooo a little variety continues ...onward and upward.. Hey, what is the plus 10 promotions ..I am not sure what it is …?hope you are free from co vid in your area.. I like most of us are in a small lockdown.. here in brissy only go out for least drawing will keep me occupied ...nice little win with our last challenge ,again a beautiful drawing.....will probably come up against you again.. and really would like to see all artists on this site get serious with challenges and just seems to take for ever...oh well we will c..again come back to me on promotions..Nev
deathlouis 20 Mar 2020
Awww, thank you so much my friend!! Coming from you really means alot to me! And aww never stop, I've still got lot to learn, everyone has a style and trust me everyone needs to see your work, so please don't stop, I enjoy looking at your artwork! Promotions is where it goes to people more and people are more likely to like and comment. Yeah it doesn't seem like a massive deal here, I still go out, plus I have noisy neighbours so I go mad if I stay in too long, but you're right, drawing is always fun! I'm pretty sure voting takes forever because not really much people use this site which is sad, because it actually has a nice system, hope to challenge again soon :') take care my friend!!
Shane224 19 Mar 2020
My regards to you, for more conversation email me back ( Thanks.
trevorp 19 Mar 2020
Fantastic artwork as always. Love the extra attention to detail here in this drawing. The expression in Norman's eyes looks absolutely amazing. The tones also are perfect with the light and the shade. You excel at Black and White artwork - with all facets of detail and shading and tone. Keep producing the great artwork mate :)
deathlouis 19 Mar 2020
Aww thank you so much, it really means alot when someone looks at every little detail, I truly do appreciate your words, I'm really glad that you like it! It means alot :)
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