
Artwork views: 11767

Followers: 8

Following: 2

Score: 38520


I am a relatively new traditional artist working from the Tulsa, OK area. As well as my main artistic focus, Graphite drawings, I do voice overs, a number of artisan crafts, programming, and music.

`scifi `


`fan art`


`Batman theme`


`Batman. Pencil sketch`

`I accept.`

`Bring it`

`sure :)`



`Little bit of love`

`Any flower is beautiful ,any flower represent love.`

`Hey, I accidentally hit the wrong button and rejected your group application for Masters of Graphite. If you reapply, I will accept it.`

`its fine i reapplied `

`So here i come whit my challenge but only for 50 :)`

`Accepted. `

`I challenge thee.`

`Accepted :-)`

`I challenge thee! `

`Let the darkness absorb you`

`I challenge thee! `

`Robert Downey Jr`

`I challenge thee!`

`What the hell. Why not?`

`I challenge thee!`

`This is the thee??`

`I challenge thee!`


`I challenge thee!`

`I don ”t understand how the challenge will happen” but i”ve accepted :)`

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