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Artwork views: 12705
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`Let's see whose Hulk's better. Wish us both luck!`
`I hope the drawing I start with is well hatched :) Wish us both luck! :D`
`Riddick's comin' to get ya guitar dude! Guess he can't play it, hope it's not some kind of Horror-Guitar smashing and eating him ;). Wish us both luck! :)`
`death challenge`
`Let's see who wins huh dude? :) Hope we're both doing well ;)`
`A little girl creating herself`
`Elysium vs. little girl. But Annie (League of Legends) and a lot other little girls are quite dangerous so let's see :) wish us luck! `
`angel challenge`
`Guess what you did could be better than my Marilyn stencil. wish us both luck :)`