Artwork views: 33246

Followers: 13

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Score: 55490

Group Fantasy Art


I'm a 25-year old self taught artist, specializing in acrylic painting and pencil sketching, but I dabble in other things as well, such as sculpting, crafts, oils, watercolor, mixed media, etc. Check out my website for more of my work.

`a furbaby`

`Good luck :)`

`Sea Shore `

`:) `

`Playful animal `

`it's a page from the coloring book i created :)`


`Good luck to us both`

`I hope the best work will win`


`Fantasy Vrs. Nature`

`the fantasy element is the Earth in the sky, which implies that the colt is on another planet/parallel universe :) `

`Fluffy bunny`

`there is a rabbit motive so I hope it's okay :) `

`Underwater `

`Accepted :)`

`Christmas season`

`lets do it`



`Take a nap`

`here we go! ;)`


`:) `



`peacocks, any other animals are okay, good luck =)`





`fall landscape. May the best artist win! :)`

`~Winter landscape~`

`not a very scenic landscape, but it has a lot of meaning :)`

`cool buildings`

`Challenge accepted !`

`colorful bird`

`My Bird..`

`interesting fruit`

`Here is an interesting "cat tree" Sometimes he grows fruit...maybe`

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