More artworks made by soulartist90

The estate
Acrylics on canvas. This work was inspired by another artist's digital painting, as a learning piece. However, I added my own details to my liking. Can you find something hidden in the picture? I'll give you a hint -- bad wolf...
Challenge: soulartist90 VS Bearest
blvckink 28 Aug 2015
amazing work! i love it :D
Laurenh11598 29 Oct 2015
Awesome work :)
Crystal Jones 21 Jul 2015
Good work. ^^
trevorp 21 Jul 2015
Like the depth of field in this painting :-)
skyserpent14 21 Jul 2015
You have a fine technique with the trees and rock texture, and I can appreciate the detail put into this.
LorandLee 21 Jul 2015
awesome !
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