Artwork views: 28944

Followers: 15

Following: 5

Score: 73210


I use graphite pencils and Prismacolor colored pencils


`This should be fun !`

`challenge makes us able to know , how much we are good in our art .. so lets do it`

`Ok, let's do it !!! `

`Want to try it)`

`This should be fun !!! `


`This should be fun !!`

`Portrait painting`

`This should be fun ! `


`This should be fun `

`This should be fun !!!!`

`Ok `

`This should be fun !!!`



`This should be fun `

`GOOGOO Que vença o melhor `

`This should be fun !`

`This should be fun !!! `

`Good luck`

`This should be fun !!!`

`I'm actually very honoured to be in this challenge. My opponent is very, very good. (Also:first time I've actually been challenged)`

`This should be fun.`

`good luck`

`This should be fun !!!`

`Good luck`

`This should be fun !!!`

`This is the only piece I have left for a challenge, I'm not sure it will be able to stand up to what you have lol`

`Photo Challenge :D`

`This should be fun !!!`

`: )`

`Well there you go.`

`This should be fun !`

`this is the first challenge :D `

`This should be fun.`


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