Artwork views: 28590

Followers: 7

Following: 11

Score: 20560


I am just another geek on the internet who likes to draw stuff, mostly cartoons, though i hope to become at least a decent illustrator someday soon. I am also a failing wannabe animator, so thank you for stopping by! You can also find more of my nonsense on tumblr if you care to.

`british actors`

`Challenge accepted :)`

`CARTOON PORTRAIT--post a cartoony or stylised character portrait.`

`Good luck`

`VIDEO GAMES--any character, prop or location that came from a video game.`

`Good luck`

`FAIRY--any kind of image depicting those spritely fantasy critters`


`SUBMIT ANYTHING -- yup, submit any picture you'd like to!`

`Good luck`

`HORSE - Any kind of picture of a horse.`

`Horse :)`

`VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS - Any video game character/characters in any style.`

`My Dovahkiin for you. Good luck!`

`Figure design. Mine is robotic. Anything gose. `

`I hope this is the kind of thing you meant, good luck.`

`Dragon Any type of art depicting everyones favorite flying monster`

`Good luck~`

`Character lineart`

`I hope this is what you mean.`


`Good luck`

`girls from fantasy`

`Probably not what you were expecting lol, but technically it counts ;)`



`Weapon action pose!`

`I hope this counts`

`Video game related (can be characters, objects, scenery ETC) If it originates from a video game, it's all good!`

`Reaper outfit from OverWatch`

`Comic Book Style Something that one might find in a comic book or graphic novel. can be anything, portrait, action scene ETC.`

`Good luck `

`Video Games (General) Characters, Locations, props.`

`Solas from "Dragon Age: Inquisition". I hope that's somehow near to what you had in mind. Good luck! :D`


`Good Luck :)`

`Colorful character `

`Hope this is what you mean, regardless good luck :)`

`anything vs anything`

`May the best anything win ;)`

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