Artwork views: 28590

Followers: 7

Following: 11

Score: 20560


I am just another geek on the internet who likes to draw stuff, mostly cartoons, though i hope to become at least a decent illustrator someday soon. I am also a failing wannabe animator, so thank you for stopping by! You can also find more of my nonsense on tumblr if you care to.

`Zombie Movie Inspired`



`A photo of my horses from a few years back`

`Video game Character/Characters`

`Elites from Halo are iconic video game characters. `

`Comic Panel/Panels Can be about anything and in any style, it just needs to be in comic panel form.`

`The comic panels show Vadim's reaction to Mal's new skimpy uniform.`

`General Cartoon Drawing (can be anything)`

`How about cartoon animal people?`


`Wasn't sure if this is the kind of thing you meant but here you go, space heroes ;)`

`Video Game characters (Items, Locations, anything video game related really)`

`Nathan drake :) `

`Favorite Video Game sketches`

`Not necessarily my favorite game but it's up there.`

`A cartoon`

`Here we go.`

`Any video game character, Any style.`


`Video Game character General. Any video game character/characters in any style.`

`Okage Shadow king`

`Video game related, characters, places, items ETC.`

`Monster at Metro 2033`

`General Cartoons and illustrations, anything goes.`

`hi! :)`

`art work of a video game character or more`

`I never thought i'd see a video game related challenge here haha.`

`I invite anyone to join my challenge with a drawing or sketch of any domestic animal xx`

`I accept your challenge friend :)`

`Any cartoon portrait`

`Not sure what to say haha, good luck i suppose :)`

`Cartoons of any kind, subject and style.`

`How about a cartoon animal person in a mad lab? `

`cartoon character`

`Hi, this is my first time doing one of these.`

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