More artworks made by Carbon2Tree

Startled Goblin
I was playing with proportions and trying to make very different characters. I like how this one turned out. Any recommendations?
Challenge: Carbon2Tree VS lewman
lewman 8 Jul 2017
I'm not sure i am one to speak of proportions but to my eye the goblins right arm seems a bit long especially when compared to the other arm, which looks correct to me. Also his left leg is a bit too wide and is an odd shape, the overall pose is fine however perhaps you might have stretched the left leg out so it is pointing, giving him a more attentive stance and also exagerated the expression a bit more? Regardless this is a cool little character.
Carbon2Tree 11 Jul 2017
Thank you for your input! I definitely agree with what you said about the arm. For the leg I tried something a little new and wasn't sure if it looked odd because it wasn't my normal way or if it was a bit off. I appreciate that you were so specific. :)
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