
Artwork views: 43680

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Score: 29860


Illustrator | Animator | Character Admirer | Creative Forever It's been a looooooong time since I've been here. Art Portfolio: Twitter: @dbxgokai Instagram: @dbxgokai Newgrounds:


`Here we go...?`

`Shhh... (Person with finger over lips)`

`Arcana Knight`

`Character Art`

`My Undertale OC, Rebertha, sister of Undyne (three AU versions)`

`OC sketch`

`Hetalia OC: Wild!Botswana`

`Clean Character Lineart`

`Nothing like a WIP!`

`Black and White OC from anything (sketch or complete)`



`Not quite sure as to what you meant by concepts but I have something that might work :P`

`sketches and scraps`

`Hi :P`

`Undertale OC`

`one of my villains from my story `

`Youtubers (Non-Realistic/Cartoony)`


`Monster in a Swimsuit`


`Youtuber Drawing`

`The bossness level is out of this universe!`


`I don't know what I'm doing but hey, good luck to the both of us!`


`Idk what we're doing but let's do this! May the best art win! :D`

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