
More artworks made by dbxgokai


Undertale OC: Genocide Rebertha

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2016-05-09


* we are..... *Teh.... *I never thought it ever would have come down to this............hehe....heehehehheheheh... *who am I kiddin'..... *You knew this whole time didn't ya... *....________....? *Teheh......You killed all those I loved.....all who were near and dear to me......even my own flesh and blood..... *....Man.....I can't believe for one second that I almost thought of someone truly special..... * a friend... *Now I understand why my sister hated your kind so much.... *you're're won't stop at anything 'till you have what you want.... *Well....I hope you don't mind.... *But I'm gonna cut off that little thing you call "Determination" and reset the timeline to a more peaceful period... *How you ask?........Teh heh.... *By cutting you down as many times as possible till YOU do it.... *You're not the only determined one around these parts, mate. (Made by me)

Challenge: dbxgokai VS ArcadiumStudio


  • Anonymous 9 May 2016


    dbxgokai 17 May 2016

    Thanks m8.

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