
Artwork views: 14343

Followers: 2

Following: 0

Score: 16110



`Drawing about sadness. Goodluck :)`

`Wonderful woman `






`Just a little girl in manga style :) `

`anime/manga, one character`


`Traditional art`

`hi ))`

`Anime/manga, traditional`

`challenge accepted`

`Anime/manga, traditional`

`good luck :)`

`Anime/manga, traditional`

`I've never done a challenge before... so... woooo`

`Anime/manga, traditional`


`anime/manga, traditional`


`anime/manga traditional`

`It's fine?`

`woman/pencil art`

`May the best win :)`

`just for fun :)`

`Cuz why the heck not x)`

`just for the game :)`


`Anime/manga, traditional art`


`Anime/manga character(s). Sad theme. Traditional drawing.`

`this is the only anime/manga i have here..so..`

`Traditional drawing, dark/sad theme.`

`This is the more 'dark' I have here, so ..`

`Anime/manga character(s). Traditional art.`

`Bring it on :P`

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