More artworks made by Sh1roYasha

Everybody Cries
Well yeah, it's pretty dark. It seems I mostly draw when I'm going trough tough times x| I think it might be a bit messier than my usual drawings. I just ha a lot of stress x) I used some random pictures I found on google and youtube, so I don't know if they're from an anime and if so, I don't know which one ^^
Challenge: Sh1roYasha VS Josiel Rodrigues
Koza-Kun 1 Feb 2015
WOW Awesome work! *____*
lululu174 30 Nov 2014
welcome <3
JennyJ 30 Nov 2014
luv the shades!
lululu174 30 Nov 2014
so cool *-*
ratΔart ( Sleepless) 30 Nov 2014
Very nice drawing
Iquit16 30 Nov 2014
Well, first of all, I pray that you weather the tough times. Stay strong!! Your drawing is awesome!!
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