Artwork views: 53469

Followers: 11

Following: 134

Score: 62690


I love's the breath that I take and my cure when I'm sick or depressed's in my blood

`birds only`

`Small Parrot`

`Roses & flowers only :)`

`Good luck :)`

`Pencil portraits only :)`

`Cristina Otero`

`basic figure uncolored`

`challenge accepted :)`

`Drawings only`

`Good Luck :)`

`Drawings only`

`Good Luck :) `

`Drawings only`

`Good luck `

`Nautical Theme - Boat(s) or Ship(s)`

`challenge accepted :)`

`let it be pencil sketch for little girl`

`pencils on a3 paper. good luck`

`let it be pencil sketch for little girl`

`pencils on a4 paper. good luck`

`Eiffel Tower`

`Let's go :)`

`Butterfly `



`Amy Pond :)`


`not the usual but still an auto portrait :)`


`Challenge Accepted ^^`

`Kylo Ren`

`let'e have fun`

`Alien behemoths`

`let'e have fun`

`little girl`


`little girl`



`Good Luck`

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