Artwork views: 53463

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Following: 134

Score: 62690


I love's the breath that I take and my cure when I'm sick or depressed's in my blood

`Any sketch with ballpoint pens`

`Good luck :))`

`pencil sketch for horse or little girl`

`a girl :) `

`Mandala Art`

`It's not really Mandala art, but close enough.. Good luck!`

`I hope the best will win`


`I hope the best will win`

`Coloredworld `

`I hope the best will win`


`roses only .. let's have some fun :)`

`Good luck :)`

`kids sketches only .. let's have some fun :)`

`Good luck :)`

`horses only .. let's have some fun :)`

`I'm happy to accept! I hope to be able to do well with this! :)`

`kids' portraits`

`Great to have a challenge and put the kids up as the challenge.. hope you had as much enjoyment drawing yours as I had drawing mine ....could not resist the the game is afoot......`

`kids' portraits`


`kids portraits only :)`


`kids portraits only :)`

`Pencils on a3 paper`

`horses in pencils only`

`Good luck :)`

`Roses in pastel only, or pastel works`

`Sorry, no roses, but entirely drawn with pastels. I hope that's okay for you.`

`Portraits in pencils only`

`Good luck `

`birds drawings`


`pencil drawings`

`Here's my pencil drawn robots`

`Kids drawings - pencil drawings`

`Seen your challenge and I just thought it would be fun to take up the challenge with the only kids drawing I possess..any way lets see where it goes.....`

`birds only`

`Good luck :)`

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