
Artwork views: 93978

Followers: 31

Following: 70

Score: 122130


I'm a student from Germany and see art as a very important hobby. It's creation and meditation for me and I like to experiment a lot. I've successfully passed my Abitur - the German A-levels - in 2015 and am now studying Biology at University. You can find me on deviantArt, too. My username there is also Mutantenfisch.


`Good luck!`

`Concept Art`

`Good luck!`

`Digital portrait (OC)!`

`I don't know why you're asking for a digital portrait but choose "drawing" as the category. :/ Anyway, good luck and have fun!`

`Lettering/ Typography`

`Good Luck!`

`challenge 2`

`Good Luck!`

`challenge 1`

`Good Luck!`

`Black and white`

`Well, it's more sepia, but i hope it's okay for you.`

`romantic setting of anything`

`Good Luck!`

`late spring`

`It was not late Spring, but Spring. Have fun!`


`Supernatural and Flowercrowns! :'D`

`Portrait: Famous Icon`

`Well, if you count Bowie as an icon... `

`fan art`

`I'm a fan of David Bowie and this is the man, so yeah.... Good Luck!`

`Theme is "Scifi" !`

`Do you count Star Wars as sci-fi? I'm just asking, because some say it's "Space Fantasy". Good Luck to you! :)`

`Star Wars`

`Good Luck!`

`Old Lady Portrait`

`Good Luck!`

`Alternative colors`

`I hope this is heading into the direction you want it to. Good luck! =)`


`Good luck! =)`

`Photo showing an attitude (please respect the subject)`

`I hope this goes into the direction you wanted.`

`Dean Winchester`

`Good Luck!`

`Colour portrait`

`Good luck!`

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