
Artwork views: 94047

Followers: 31

Following: 70

Score: 122130


I'm a student from Germany and see art as a very important hobby. It's creation and meditation for me and I like to experiment a lot. I've successfully passed my Abitur - the German A-levels - in 2015 and am now studying Biology at University. You can find me on deviantArt, too. My username there is also Mutantenfisch.

`Hi AlexGArt.. im new in here and saw this challenge thing interesting.. also your works are great.. y don't we take up this as a friendly challenge ! :)`

`Thanks a lot! This is the first time someone tried to challenge me, so I think I can say I'm new to this, too. Challenge accepted. ;)`

`girl portrait`

`Good luck. What's your part?`

`Star Wars `

`Princess Leia smiling for you. ;)`

`Colour portrait`

`Good luck!`


`Does fire-bending count?`


`Here you go.`

`Think you can best my character? `

`Good luck! :D`


`Good luck!`

`Fabric painting.`

`Hi! Good luck and Have Fun!`

`Coffee Painting.`


`lets do this`

`Been there, done that. :D`

`Folklore Illustration`

`Journey to the West is a fictional version of the historic version of Xuanzang and his pilgrimage to India. Filled with Chinese folk religion, mythology, Taoist and Buddhist philosophy, and the pantheon of Taoist immortals and Buddhist bodhisattvas are still reflective of some Chinese religious attitudes today. `

`uncolored WIP`

`Good luck!`

`Star Wars`

`Good Luck!`

`Theme is "Scifi" !`

`Do you count Star Wars as sci-fi? I'm just asking, because some say it's "Space Fantasy". Good Luck to you! :)`


`It's a wholly fictional breed, but in Germany it's also a metaphora for a thing that can do many different things at once.`

`fan art`

`I'm a fan of David Bowie and this is the man, so yeah.... Good Luck!`

`red ;)`

`Enough Red? `

`happy scene`

`Here you go.`



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