
Artwork views: 94035

Followers: 31

Following: 70

Score: 122130


I'm a student from Germany and see art as a very important hobby. It's creation and meditation for me and I like to experiment a lot. I've successfully passed my Abitur - the German A-levels - in 2015 and am now studying Biology at University. You can find me on deviantArt, too. My username there is also Mutantenfisch.

`World of Warcraft`

`I hope this is quite what you had in mind. Good luck!`

`Portraits of any kind!`

`Challenge accepted!`

`happy scene`

`Here you go.`


`Here you go.`

`Girl portrait `

`Good Luck!`

`Favorite band (music)`

`If you don't know them, check them out. They are worth listening to.`


`Good luck!`

`Art Summary of 2015 The templates could be found here:`

`Let's do this.`


`These are sketches for my final painting, so technically they are wips. ;)`

`Villian -Design your own villain, it does not need a backstory, but it would be nice. It cannot be an existing villain such as Jafar or the Joker. It has to be completely original. `

`He's no real villain, but definitively an antagonist when the story develops.`


`They pretend to be robots, so I hope you're okay with it.`

`anything involving confessions `

`Good Luck!`

`WIP `

`Good luck!`

`Famous person from real life, no show-biz people, please.`



`good luck`



`Portrait Sketch`

`Good Luck!`

`american actor (portrait)`

`Good Luck! He's a New York boy, so he's totes American. ;)`

`Space `


`Ballpoint only please!`


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