
Artwork views: 94032

Followers: 31

Following: 70

Score: 122130


I'm a student from Germany and see art as a very important hobby. It's creation and meditation for me and I like to experiment a lot. I've successfully passed my Abitur - the German A-levels - in 2015 and am now studying Biology at University. You can find me on deviantArt, too. My username there is also Mutantenfisch.

`Video Game. Mine is for The Elder Scrolls.`


`Fantasy animal`


`Bearded man`

`I hope this is good enough`


`Good luck!`

`A Lady`

`Good luck!`

`Cloud Painting`


`Art Nouveau`


`video games`

`Dragon Age! ♥`

`red ;)`

`Enough Red? `

`uncolored WIP`

`Good luck!`

`for fun =)`

`good luck. :)`

`You can put anything :)`

`Good luck!`

`Mixed media caracter `

`Fine liner, pastells, coloured pencils and ballpoint Pen. `

`Random caracter`

`No Fan art. Random enough?`

`Random mixed media :)`

`Acrylics, edding ans textile paint. Mixed media enough? `

`Cloud painting.`

`Good luck`

`colourful picture `

`Good luck!`

`portrait of a man, colored pencils`


`Star Wars`

`Here's a Poe for you. =)`


`Good luck!`

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