More artworks made by Mutantenfisch

Exercise: Clouds
I decided I really should improve my colour choices and background painting, so I started a little series of exercise pics, beginning with cheesy, fluffy clouds. Painted in GIMP.
Challenge: Mutantenfisch VS BlueSpiritWolf6
Anonymous 12 Apr 2016
The texture is nice, but your clouds look to rough. They don't exactly have that fluffy gas/vapor feeling. Keep at it though, it's a great start.
Anonymous 10 Apr 2016
The love ❤ the piece that you've done keep going
Anonymous 10 Apr 2016
Pretty colours ^^
Anonymous 10 Apr 2016
The colors of the sky are well chosen, but the clouds are too blurred. Also, I think you put the light reflections on the wrong side.I explain myself: the pink tone at the bottom suggest that the sun is rising or fading, in both cases the light source (the sun) is under the clouds but you added the darker shades on the sun' side. On that side there should have been a pinkish highlight, not a dark shading. Anyway the overall view is not that bad. Just, next time plan better the light source^^
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