Artwork views: 49503

Followers: 19

Following: 17

Score: 80460


`a cat fight?`

`a horse`

`Chinese painting style:)`

`a portrait`

`This is A Manga's Portrait`

`a dog`

`Akita dog, the most loyal breed:)`

`a cat of any sott`


`something stripey`


`something black and white`

`Well... All the creepypata community know about them. I hope you like it(no like the first one, that make me feel a lil' sad °3°)`

`a head shot`


`a close up`

`Good luck!`

`something with water`

`Good luck!!`

`something white`


`a happy scene`

`Let's have fun!~`

`another cute animal`

`let's see yours`

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