More artworks made by dbuchanan



Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-06-07


water-colour painting

Challenge: Michelle Nguyen VS dbuchanan


  • Hilliste 3 Jul 2015

    Very good work!! :)

  • fastleppard 19 Jun 2015

    This is fascinating !

  • Dragondust 8 Jun 2015

    I love how you have shaded with red around the eyes!

  • Anonymous 7 Jun 2015

    It's really organized and neat Try being a little messier? Humans have imperfections

  • Anonymous 7 Jun 2015

    Add more dark tones in the background to make the face stand out more.

  • savictez 7 Jun 2015

    Love the colors and how up close it is to the face. Great job!

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