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Artwork views: 53851
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Group Manga Club :)
`FAIRY--any kind of image depicting those spritely fantasy critters`
`Bird (cockatoo)`
`Si-Fi genre `
`Science fiction black and white`
`good luck :)`
`Contrast of shadow`
`there is a skull `
`Scifi anime girl, anything gose`
`anime girl`
`pencil sketch for horse or little girl`
`a girl :) `
`Butterflies only please ;) `
`alice `
`good luck ;) `
`a fairy :)`
`couple it is :) `
`Portrait drawing`
`it's a portrait of a fictional character but a portrait nonetheless ;) good luck!`
`Fan art Game of Thrones`
`Sailor Moon fanart or any ideas related to Sailor Moon (like your own projects of a sailor girl and so on ;>)`
`Attractive female character (my example is an anime OC) `
`so let my choice be my OC in anime/manga style too ;)`