
Artwork views: 53852

Followers: 16

Following: 2

Score: 78470

`Someone Very Weird`

`I guess maybe it fits the subject...? (with horns and eyes and all xD) `

`Woman b&w`




`Angel :)`

`An angel it is then, though not an embodiment of angelic goodness on my part exactly ;)`

`A Mysterious Lady `

`I think it fits the theme ;)`


`A woman it is ;)`

`Angry OC`

`Angry, demonic OC, here it is ;) I hope it fits the theme `

`Twins (Could be cartoony or realistic) `

`It's more of a metaphorical "twin" picture but I think it fits `


`Two horses, but still horses ;D`

`Anything with the color green. `

`There's some green so I guess it's okay to accept your challenge ;D`

`Something with a twist related to Alice in Wonderland etc ;)`

`mine isn't finished yet, good luck`

`Winter themed photo`


`for fun =)`

`When I saw the name of the challenge, I instantly thought about this drawing of mine since I did it purely for fun, just to try out a bit different drawing techniques with hair and stuff, I hope it's good for your challenge ;)`

`Lots of weapons including familiar and iconic ones like Link's Master Sword. Meeting this with a similar theme like a detailed revolver or sword would be exciting. Please something weapon related.`

`Well, there's a sword so I guess it is weapon related xd`

`Anime Fanart drawing`

`I guess my drawing fits the theme of the challenge ;D `

`Fluffy bunny`

`there is a rabbit motive so I hope it's okay :) `

`a Sailor Scout`

`I think my drawing fits the name of the competition ;)`

`Anime. :P`

`Well this isn't anything from a specific anime, just my idea, but the style qualifies, I hope ;) `



`Faces `


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