Artwork views: 158888

Followers: 25

Following: 103

Score: 129340


I'm a self taught robot drawer. For practical searchable galleries, I have a deviantart account of the same username, Justinnator4. For other social media, there is Justinnator5 on Instagram.


`Generally Steampunk robots are neat`

`Mass effect`

`While not specifically Mass Effect, the inspiration is noticable. `

`Cartoon Female figure`

`Good luck`

`Scifi cross over`

`Good luck`

`Transformers in Michal Bey film style`


`Pokemon or cute fantasy animal`

`pikapika `

`Space / Fantasy`

`Going into space with a mech is my fantasy `

`Figure design. Mine is robotic. Anything gose. `

`I hope this is the kind of thing you meant, good luck.`

`For fun`

`Scifi theme is fun.`

`Science fiction black and white`

`good luck :)`

`Scifi anime girl, anything gose`

`anime girl`

`Black and white fighter pose`

`good luck`

`Fighter pose, like marshal arts kicking stance with a raised leg. `

`i hope that counts...sort of :)`

`Zelda: Breath of the Wild `

`i love link`

`Weapon action pose!`

`I hope this counts`

`Interesting animal`

`;P `


`Tea is the closest I've got.`

`OverWatch game fanart, nothing else please`

`have fun!`

`Video game related (can be characters, objects, scenery ETC) If it originates from a video game, it's all good!`

`Reaper outfit from OverWatch`

`Flirty pose, like pointing 2 fingers and winking. `

`;P `

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