Artwork views: 17321

Followers: 2

Following: 5

Score: 21530


I Ain't Buying What Your Selling You're Beautiful When You Don't Talk If I Was The King

`Drawing progression =) `



`lion's hair/mane`



`Pink Roses (no photo)`



`Let's have fun with this :3`

`manga character`

`Let's have fun with this :3`

`Fast Drawing`



`The two natures of humanity, used the drawing in which the duality isn't as obvious but I think it embodies it perfectly. `



`funny girl`

`good luck`




`good luck`

`manga, easy fast drawing.`




`incomplete drawing`


`Made by Charcoal.`


`Manga characters`


`Fast Drawing`


`I hope the best work will win`

`I hope the same`

`Rock star`

`Rock Starr`

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