Artwork views: 9411

Followers: 6

Following: 29

Score: 14410


More of my pieces can be found at if you're curious. :)

`Light Watercolor Portrait`

`Good luck`

`Doodling with Paint`

`Good luck`

`Watercolor Portrait`

`Good luck ;)`

`no message,...`

`Best of luck! :)`

`Fantasy figure`

`Hello there~ Hope I understood the theme properly, please don't hold it against me if not! ^^;`


`kinda freaky but still a portrait ;)`

`Self Portrait (color)`


`Doodle Worlds (take it as you will!)`


`pencil portrait`

`This bet is high! .__. But I thought I'd try- best of luck!`

`Watercolors (non-realistic)`


`Miniature Paintings (3in x 3in or smaller)`

`:) This is a very small painting! `

`Black & White Ink Pieces`


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